Get a Dumpster Rental Quote

Get a free quote for a dumpster rental in Pittsburgh by calling 412-489-0130. We’ll match you up with the right roll off dumpster for your project. There’s no run around from us, our mission is to get you the dumpster rental you need and help you get your project underway.

Alternatively, you can use the form below to request a quote from Pittsburgh Dumpster Rental online. All we need is a little information on your end, and you’re ready to get started. Once submitted, we’ll review and send you a free dumpster quote. If you’re curious about where we can make delivery, check out our dumpster service area in Pittsburgh.

When you’ve finished with your roll off container, all you need to do is call us back. We then send a driver out to make the pickup for you. Just be sure that you call us here at Pittsburgh Dumpster Rental and not the number on the side of the roll off dumpster. We handle every part of the order for our customers to help avoid any confusion.

We can handle your quote over the phone or online. We’re here for you every step of the way to ensure your order meets the needs of you and your project. It couldn’t be easier than renting with Pittsburgh Dumpster Rental.