Dumpster Sizes

We offer our customers a lot of choices when it comes to choosing a size for their dumpster rental in Pittsburgh. There is the 10 yard dumpster, the 15 yard dumpster, the 20 yard dumpster, the 30 yard dumpster and a 15 yard dumpster that can be used to dispose of heavy debris.

Pittsburgh Dumpster Rental Sizes
Size Dimensions Additional Fees Pricing
10 Yard 10 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 4 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 412-489-0130
15 Yard 14 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 4 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 412-489-0130
20 Yard 22 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 4 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 412-489-0130
30 Yard 22 ft. (L) x 8 ft. (W) x 7 ft. (H) None. Flat Rate Please call 412-489-0130

Every job is going to be different. So that means a cookie-cutter dumpster rental service is just not going to cut it. At Pittsburgh Dumpster Rental, you can be sure that you are going to have everything catered to your needs. This means that whatever the project is going to entail, we’ve got you covered.

How Much Debris Can I Put in My Dumpster Rental?

It largely depends on which of our Pittsburgh dumpster rental sizes you choose. But there are some general guidelines you should follow. We ask that you fill your dumpster rental evenly throughout the entire unit. That way all the space inside the dumpster is used. When it comes time to load the dumpster back onto the flatbed, we need to have even weight distribution to ensure nothing falls out of the container during pickup.

For general household and construction debris, please do not let the refuse go any higher than height of the walls. By law, we are not allowed on the road with a roll off dumpster that is filled beyond capacity. And for heavy debris, please do not let the waste go any higher than halfway up the height of the walls.

Where Can I Have My Dumpster Rental Delivered?

As long as your dumpster rental can fit in the driveway or designated placement area, there is really no place where we are unable to make a delivery. Property that is publicly owned, such as the street or sidewalk, will require a permit before we can make delivery. Permits can be obtained through Pittsburgh’s Department of Public Works. If you have any questions about whether your location is going to need a permit, all you have to do is call.

Contact Pittsburgh Dumpster Rental five days a week to ask a question about our available dumpster rental sizes in Pittsburgh. Whether you have placed an order yet or not, we can help you with your project. Pittsburgh Dumpster Rental is your one-stop-shop for all things regarding local waste removal.